Recipe : Bouchées à la reine
My first is a puff pastry, my second is a set of spices, my third is a diced meat, my last one is a thick forest sauce. As you may have
guessed, we are heading to Paris for the famous Bouchée à la reine!


(For 6 people)
- 200 g mushrooms (tin)
- 45 g butter
- 3 tablespoons of flour
- 75 cl of chicken stock
- 1 glass of white wine
- Pepper
- Nutmeg
- 300 g veal rump steak
- 2 chicken cutlets
- Veal quenelle
- 3 egg yolks
- 10 cl of heavy cream
- 6 pre-coocked bouchées
If you need help converting the units:
How to do Bouchées à la reine ?
1- Cut the mushrooms into strips and the drained quenelles into small pieces.
2- Cut the meat into small cubes and cook it quickly (until it becomes pink). Set aside.
3- Melt the butter in a pot, add the flour and cook while stirring for 3 minutes.
4- chicken broth Add the chicken broth to the mixture and bring to a boil.
5- Add the meat, mushrooms, white wine, pepper and nutmeg. Continue to heat, stirring constantly.
6- Add the quenelles and stir gently.
7- Mix the egg yolks with the crème fraîche in a bowl, then pour this mixture into the stewpot, stirring. Heat without boiling for 5 minutes.
8-Heat the pre-cooked bouchées in the oven at 180°C. When they are hot and very dry, take them out and remove the caps.
9- Arrange the bouchées on individual plates (with rice or pasta). Fill them with the sauce filling and place the caps on top. Serve immediately.
C'est prêt! Bon appétit!
Did you know it ?
The famous Bouchées à la reine were invented in the 18th century by the cooks of the court of Versailles. Queen Marie Leszczynski, the wife of Louis XV, ordered an aphrodisiac dish to keep her husband loyal. This is when the cooks concocted the "bouchées à la reine": an individual puff pastry croustade in the shape of a timbale, filled with a salpicon of ingredients cut into small cubes (poultry, sweetbreads, mushrooms, ham) bound by a thick sauce (bechamel sauce, forest sauce, supreme sauce). Something to fall in love with, isn't it?
Source : Bouchées-à-la-reine-recette
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