Summer is here!

Summer is finally here with the longest day of the year on 6/21.
With the dreary rainy season finally gone, it's time to get outside and enjoy all those silly clichés of summer.
As  the days get longer, it is the perfect season to feel the breeze on your face as you take a leisurely stroll after dinner. 
You’ll have plenty of time before the sun sets  ( unless you eat Spain late).
It’s a great way to get the digestion system going after a meal . Gather your belongings ( don't forget your phone, wallet and keys to quote Adam Sandler), and  leash up that pooch  if you have one, ( they will love it and look forward to it) 
It’s now time to  hit the road. If you were ever lucky enough to live in France’s capital city of Paris, walking almost everywhere is a mode of transportation as well as being healthy for you. There is no secret to why the French stay so slim despite all the wonderful food. 
It’s a great way to see shops, store fronts, restaurants, and locate places  you would normally whiz by in a car. 

You’ll You’ll get to know your neighborhood, socialize with friends, and window shop.
The benefits of walking have been well documented in medical journals. 
It's an amazing form of exercise that requires very little effort, and puts low stress on your joints.  You may even shed a few pounds without even trying!  We all love that!
All you need is a really comfortable pair of shoes. There is no need to change into special athletic clothes. Best of all, you can do it anywhere.  Stay on the sidewalk, and watch for cars— especially the  electric ones that are so silent . So use your eyes not your ears.
We are all so rushed and scheduled.  This is a quiet time of the day. It  is a very peaceful ritual  to hear about someone else’s day, and enjoy their company. If you are solo, use this time to let your mind wander. It’s blissfully serene. 
It’s amazing how your brain will sort things out while you are drinking in the scenery and sun kissed sights. 

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Alliance Française de San Francisco
1345 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: +1 (415) 775-7755

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