
Today, we head to Occitania. This region of the South of France attracts many people from all around the world and is full of traditions and customs. Toulouse, Montpellier, Carcassonne, Nîmes, Tarbes, and Perpignan are some of the main cities you may have heard of.

Traditional songs and dances are one of the region’s key customs. Bagpipes, accordions, percussion, and violins often accompany these songs; these performances are a must-see during a visit to Occitania.

As in many other French regions, sports are significant in Occitania, where rugby is loved by all! There are also several local sports to discover, such as a local version of nine-pin bowling, water jousting, and the tambourine game.

Finally, the most important tradition in Occitania is celebrating and partying. From ferias with the beautiful days to carnival between February and the end of Spring, to religious pilgrimages to Lourdes and Rocamadour, there is certainly a way for you to enjoy being in Occitania.

Would you like to learn more about this beautiful region? Attend our cultural  workshop "France des régions - Midi-Pyrénées" on June 5 and/or listen to our podcast about Occitania.


Le cirque de  Gavarnie

Les arènes de Nîmes

Les Cévennes

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