Brioche Praline Roses


How to make it:

  1. In the bowl of a food processor or bread maker, or in a large bowl, combine the warm milk, mascarpone, egg, salt, sugar and vanilla extract.
  2. Then add the flour and yeast and knead for 10 minutes (in a food processor, bread machine or by hand).
  3. Let rise for 1 hour, covering with a cloth.
  4. Remove the air, add the pink pralines broken into pieces, mix and place in a buttered cake tin, brush with a mixture of egg and 2 tablespoons of water, leave to rise for another hour.
  5. Gild a second time with the brush and bake for 30 min at 350°F.


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Alliance Française de San Francisco
1345 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: +1 (415) 775-7755

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