Débat: Patrimoine: faut-il tout préserver?

Recently, a debate took place in one of our B1 classes surrounding the topic of preserving heritage, both that of America and worldwide. Students argued in a piece of French writing either for or against the preservation of Le Patrimoine. We would like to share with you some of the great work done by these students!

But first, what is Le Patrimoine’?
Le Patrimoine
encompasses a multitude of ideas and entities, some of which include the physical heritage of a country/region, such as monuments and works, as well as it’s intangible aspects, like traditions and rituals. One of our students, MR*, brings to light the difficulty of this debate:

Aux Etats-Unis, le patrimoine est un sujet délicat. Comment se souvenir et préserver notre histoire sans glorifier nos moments les plus sombres?
( In the United States, patrimony is a delicate subject. How can we remember and preserve our history without glorifying the darkest moments? )

Those who argued to protect American patrimony include JC, who comments on the history of Coit tower, a local landmark:

Un exemple du patrimoine de San Francisco que je trouve particulièrement éclairant et inspirant est l’ensemble des fresques au bas de la tour Coit, sur Telegraph Hill. Le muraliste Victor Arnautoff (qui a été entraîné par le grand peintre mexicain Diego Rivera) a supervisé les 25 artistes qui ont peint les fresques à l’intérieur de la tour au milieu de la Grande Dépression. Peintes dans le style du réalisme social Américain, les fresques expriment le thème unifié « Des Aspects de la Vie en Californie, 1934,» et montre des scènes de cette époque de l’agriculture, de l’éducation, de la vie rurale, et de la vie urbaine.
( One example of heritage in San Francisco that I found particularly enlightening and inspiring is the collection of frescoes (wall paintings) at the bottom of Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill. The muralist Victor Arnautoff (who was trained by the great Mexican painter Diego Rivera) supervised the 25 artists who painted the frescoes inside the tower in the middle of the great depression. Painted in the style of American social realism, the frescoes express a unified theme << Aspects of life in California, 1934 >> and show scenes of this era of agriculture, education, rural life, and urban life. )

Coit Tower Frescoes, San Francisco, CA

On the other hand, NW believes we shouldn’t preserve specific parts of our heritage. This is due to American gun laws that create a multitude of issues in the present day:

En 1791, le deuxième amendement a été promulgué , dans le cadre de la déclaration des droits (Bill of Rights). Le droit de porter des armes a causé tant de problèmes dans notre pays. Je ne pense pas que ce patrimoine américain doit être préservé. (...)De plus en plus de personnes souffrent de problèmes de santé mentale, ce qui rend l'accès facile aux armes à feu plus effrayant. Les petits enfants ne devraient pas avoir à pratiquer à se cacher des tireurs à l'école. "pensées et prières" ne sont jamais assez!
( In 1791, the second amendment was enacted, in the framework of the Bill of Rights. The right to carry weapons has caused so many problems in our countries. I don’t think that this American heritage should be preserved. (...) More and more people suffer from mental health issues, which makes easy access guns more frightening. Small children should not have to practice hiding from shooters at school. "thoughts and prayers" are not enough! )

The Capitol, Washington D.C.

You can read some more stances taken by our students below!

*Note. Students' initials are used to maintain privacy.

Le Patrimoine: faut-il tout préserver ?

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