DELF Junior  A1

(Adolescents / teenagers)  

For Who ? 

The DELF Junior is aimed at teenagers 12-17 years old both foreign and French who wish to improve their competency in French. 

What is expected from the candidate ?  

A1: I can...

How is it composed?


 Listening A1: 4 exercises
A1: 20 minutes

A1: Listen and understand audio documents such as public announcement, radio show, conversation 
three or four very short recordings (3 min max) about every day life (played twice). 

📖 Reading A1: 4 exercises
A1: 30 minutes

A1: Read four or five written documents about every day life to get information, directions, follow instructions..

✍️ Writing A1: 2 exercises
A1: 30 minutes

The activities can vary, examples : filling a form,   writing an email to answer someone, write a post on a forum. 

💬 Speaking A1: 3 parts
A1: 5-7 minutes / prep time: 10 minutes

Three part test:
      - guided conversation (Approximately 1 minute)
      - exchanging information (Approximately 2 minutes)
      - role-play (Approximately 2 minutes)
Themes :  family, presentation, habits, etc

Each part scores 25 points of a total of 100 points. To pass the exam, you must get 50/100 or 50%. The minimum mark required per test is 5/25.If you pass the exam, you will get a diploma valid for life.

The listening, reading and writing are group examinations held on one day or a half day.  

The speaking part may be scheduled on a different day depending on examinators' availability and number off candidate. For the speaking part the candidate is alone with a jury of 2 examinators. 

  Detailed information about this exam (in French only)  Detailed information about this exam (in French only) 

HOW to prepare for the DELF Junior / Scolaire 

Official resources & grading explanations
Additional official ressources (listening) 

Need some help to get ready? Book private classes with a great AFSF teacher and master the exam! 

CAlenDar and Exam fees 

Calendar and Fees  Calendar and Fees 


 It is not possible to change the time of your exam. There will probably be some waiting time between some of your
examination parts. 

The speaking part may be scheduled on a different day depending on examinators' availability and number off candidate. 

Please respect the schedule you receive as we are on a tight schedule and  plan to arrive onsite 15 minutes before your first exam. 

You will receive your official notification by email 1 week before the exam. Please check the email you use to register. Only the times on this notification must be taken into account, the information on your invoice is only informative. 

Check our 

Policies Policies

Check our policies and FAQ  prior to contacting us.
Feel free to contact us only if your question has not been addressed in your policies or FAQ or if you have not received your official notification 5 days before the exam date . 


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Alliance Française de San Francisco
1345 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: +1 (415) 775-7755

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