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Beginner 4 (A1-4)

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Beginner 4 (A1-4)

Beginner 4 (A1-4)

8-week Standard Class

Inspire 1 Units 7-8

You will learn how to : 

* Conseiller (to give advice)

* Proposer un sujet (to suggest a topic)

* Raconter un voyage (to tell a trip)

* Expliquer son cursus (to explain one's background)

* Décrire son travail (to describe one's work)

* Se loger (to find accomodation)

Unit 7 : Donnez votre avis (share your opinion)

Grammar : Imperative mode, cause sentence, purpose sentence, negative sentence, past tenses (particularities), verbs devoir and pouvoir in present. 

Vocabulary : To give advice, to suggest a topic, to tell a trip

Unit 8 : Informez-vous (get informed)

Grammar : Verbs connaîntre and savoir in present, pronoun y, inversion, comparative, past and future tenses.

Vocabulary : To explain one's background, to describe one's work, to find accomodation.

Pace: Regular

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